16 Nov Bright Impact Cleaning Services – Beyond Cleaning
“Jamie stands out from the crowd both personally and in business simply by being completely honest, trustworthy, personable, and passionate about her business services and her clients alike. Her attention to detail and in getting the job done right the first time is truly amazing! Bar none, Jamie is absolutely the best of the best at what she does.” – Jeremy W.
“Cleaning is what I do,” Jamie Garcia begins. “I take pride and have a passion for my work.”
For 10 years, Jamie Garcia has been making a name for herself in the local home cleaning business. A decade into her entrepreneurial venture, she’s ready to take her business to the next level.
“I grew up in a house where I started cleaning when I was little. It’s important to have someone in your home that has grown up in the cleaning environment. It’s tough work.” Jamie says.
Jamie first got started in the business as a way to make extra income. She acquired a few clients and began to regularly clean for them. On days when she didn’t have her own client’s work, she would assist other local cleaning businesses. Although these other businesses had much more extensive operations than Jamie did, what she discovered surprised her.
“I would go along to learn, to better myself,” Jamie explains. “I was surprised to find that other companies that were larger weren’t more professional than me. The way I’d seen them clean wasn’t good. The difference between me and a lot of companies is that we actually get in there and care about cleaning the person’s home. Not everybody does the basics.”
Whether it’s residential or commercial, interior or exterior, new construction cleanup, or a move-out, Jamie is prepared to provide clients and partners with exceptional service.
“I have products that are non-toxic,” Jamie continues. “We do the best we can on the pricing. I’m involved as an owner in the business. I’m involved in communicating with my clients. If they need me to go back for some reason, I go back for no charge. We value safety. Our people are trustworthy… There’s really no job that I haven’t done.”
“The house cleaning business is my life.”
2020 has presented an interesting set of challenges. With COVID-19 shutting down businesses and making people hesitant to allow others into their homes, Jamie’s work was faced with uncertainty. Yet, her customers’ reactions have lifted her spirits. While many have put their cleaning services on hold, every single one of her clients has agreed to pay her for the entire month.
“I used to think ‘I’m just the cleaning person.’ But I’ve realized that all the people that are on hold right now, they were all willing to continue to pay me. That’s success. To have relationships where people value me and respect me,” Jamie smiles. “I prayed. This has to be the year to have that breakthrough. If this is where you want me to be, the doors will open this year. I believe I am in the right spot. I believe this will be the year [I break through].”
At home, Jamie and her husband, Kelvin, have four children that keep them busy.
“Success is being able to provide for my children through a business that is helping people. Giving them more time to be with their families,” Jamie continues. “What is my goal? Time and money… I want time to be with my family and money to be able to provide. So that’s my goal—to grow this business to provide for my children and do other things that I’m passionate about.”
In such uncertain times, Jamie has found she has a lot to be grateful for; her family, her health, and her business.
Several years ago, Jamie went through a challenging time in her life. Work/life imbalance, and an unhealthy relationship with her business, led to her marriage falling apart. Her separation then led to her business falling apart. Health in one area of life encourages health in others, but unfortunately, the opposite is also true.
“There was a time where I didn’t have my priorities straight,” Jamie admits. “I lost my house, my cars, everything. I was bouncing from house to house.”
At the end of the tunnel, there was light. Jamie came out of this challenging time more humble— a quality that continues to serve her daily.
“I’m grateful for what God has given me,” Jamie says. “I feel like I’m still learning. We all are.”
“Always stay humble,” she reminds us. “Remember where you came from, how you got started, and where you are going.”
Written by Zach Cohen for Tulsa Real Producers
Photos by Jeff Sharp, Peak RES, Tami Molinaro Trademark Photos
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